Physical Impairments

    The thought of being disabled, even for a temporary period of time, can be frightening for some people. It is unnerving to think that you might have to take time off from work for a period of time so you can heal properly. Even if you are getting paid through Workers’ Comp during this time, it is still scary not […]

    Wrecks with Logging Trucks

      1. Take a moment to calm yourself down. Make sure that you take a moment to calm down once your car has come to a stop. Make sure your mind is not racing before you get out of your vehicle. Do not make any decisions during this time, as you are emotional. Your decisions will not be made on […]

    How to read NC wreck reports

    You are driving to the hotel for a beach vacation over the weekend when you get into a wreck. You know the other person is at-fault for the wreck but have almost no way to prove that fact. You decide to get a copy of the police officer’s wreck report and are glad to find that the process is easy. […]

    What you Need to Know About Concussions

    You find yourself driving along your usual route to get home. Suddenly, someone comes out of nowhere and clips you on the passenger side of your car. You feel your vehicle traveling in a circle as your head hits the headrest violently. You can’t help yelping in pain from the way your head hits the headrest. You don’t realize it […]

    Failures & Defects of X-LITE Guardrails

    You are excited to get to your parents’ home for the family vacation. You’ve been looking forward to this trip for quite some time. This excitement shows on your face as you get into your car for the long drive to your parents’ home, a couple hundred miles away. You find yourself in a wreck halfway to your destination due […]

    Wrecks with Tractor Trailers

    Let’s take a look at what you need to do directly after a wreck with a tractor-trailer. We’ll also be looking at things you need to do once you leave the scene of the wreck. First: Assess Your Situation The first thing you should always do immediately after a wreck is assess your situation. Do you have any injuries related […]

    What to Do after in a Bus Accident?

    Collisions involving buses are often serious. Due to the massive size of a bus, its lack of maneuverability, and the force and momentum involved at the time of the crash, you might sustain catastrophic and life-long injuries. Let’s take a look at what you should do after getting into a wreck with a bus: Step 1: Obtain medical care. The […]

    Femoral Shaft Fractues

    You are driving to your home on the interstate when you are hit by another vehicle. The pain you are now experiencing is intense as your car comes to a stop. Your car flipped multiple times and you feel a bone in your thigh snapping. This pain causes you to cry out, which alerts a passing motorist that you are […]

    Everything you Need to Know About Defensive Driving

    You can still remember learning how to drive in high school. You couldn’t wait to get your driver’s license since it meant that you could get from point A to point B without the watchful eyes of your parents. You might even get a vehicle from them for passing the driver’s test. The first thing you need to do, however, […]

    What to Do After a Sip and Fall

    It’s Monday and you are back at work like any other normal week-day. You know your supervisor was working in the same area an hour before. However, you aren’t sure what the supervisor was doing in your work station. You are simply doing your job when you suddenly find yourself falling. Your supervisor had left a wet spot on the […]