4 Most Common Places for a Car Accident

Posted on Mar 12, 2019 by Brian Ricci

While you might see quite a few accidents on the interstate as you commute to work, these are not as common as you might think. There are several instances where it is more likely for you to get into an accident near your home or even in a parking lot.

There are four places you are more likely to see a car accident: parking lots, stop signs, two-lane roads, and rural highways. Let’s take a look today at these four places you are most likely to see a car accident. The more you know about preventing an accident in these places, the less likely you’ll be to have one.

1. Parking Lots

While car accidents in a parking lot aren’t likely to be as serious, they are also quite common. With a lot of cars in close proximity, looser rules and regulations, and constant movement by pedestrians, it’s no wonder there are so many fender benders in parking lots! Because of this, fender benders are most common in this one area.

2. Stop Signs

Stop signs are another common place for a car accident. People are likely to not brake early enough and roll through the stop sign. You’ll also have people who don’t stop at all, which is also likely to cause a car accident with the person who has the right of way in this situation.

Because of this threat, you’ll need to make sure you come to a complete stop at each stop sign. You’ll need to look both ways before you go through the intersection as well. This advice might seem like common sense but it could also save you from getting into a car accident down the road.

3. Rural Highways

Your typical rural highway will oftentimes see less traffic but it is still more likely to see a car accident than a more-used interstate. There are the potholes you might see more of since they’re less likely to be repaired in a timely manner. These potholes can cause flat tires if you hit them in a certain area of your tire.

The shoulder of the highway, when you drive onto it after the flat tire, aren’t as large as they would be on a larger interstate. This means your vehicle is more likely to be hit by someone on the highway who might be veering off the road slightly. It’s easy to become inattentive as well if there’s little to no traffic around you. This is one of the most common reasons someone might veer off the road.

4. Two-Lane Roads

When you’re on a two-lane road, you’re also less likely to see the larger shoulders on the side of the road that you would see on a highway or interstate. If you’re moving toward the shoulder for whatever reason, you won’t have as much room to avoid an accident with another driver. If someone veers into your lane of traffic, this could cause a serious head-on collision.

Greenville and Washington, NC Personal Injury Attorneys

I’m Brian Ricci, a Personal Injury Lawyer serving Greenville, NC and the surrounding areas. If you have suffered an injury, please call me anytime at (252) 777-2222 or (800) 387-6406 for free, friendly advice. The call is free and there is no obligation to you.

I am a longtime member of the Million Dollar Advocates Forum.

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