If you have a teenage driver, it is important to teach them about the many dangers that come with operating a motor vehicle. From drinking and driving to texting and driving, there are many habits and behaviors that often cause teenagers to get into serious car accidents. In this blog, we review important safety tips...
There are a lot of distractions on the road today. As drivers, we have anything from our phones beside us to accidents on the road nearby. We don’t want to get into an accident ourselves because we’re paying attention to a distraction. Below, we provide tips on how to “get around” the distraction so you...
Being in an accident is a traumatic event that we wouldn’t want to wish on others. It causes shock even for the best of us. Sometimes we even get hurt because of these accidents in spite of the best efforts of our vehicle protecting us. The officer investigating the accident makes sure you are checked...
Riding a bicycle on roads can be really dangerous since you take less space than a motor vehicle would these days. It is easy to get hit by a motorist while you are riding your bike on the road. Because of this danger, there are certain safety measures you can take to prevent being hit...
Imagine the following scenario. You fall off a forklift while at work and suffer a broken ankle, preventing you from walking. Since you’re on the other side of the building, you shout out for help until someone else calls 9-1-1 for you. While waiting for assistance, you realize that the reason you fell off the...