Workplace Accidents

Explosions in chemical plants and refineries are not common, but when they do occur, they can cause devastating injuries and immense property damage.  The deadliest plant explosion on record occurred thirty-six years ago in India at a pesticide plant leading to more than 600,000 people being exposed to the deadly gas cloud that night. The...

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I’m Brian Ricci, an injury and workers’ compensation attorney serving Greenville and the rest of North Carolina. The human eye is an astounding feat of biological engineering. A multitude of components work together to allow our eyes to take in raw information about the world and communicate those messages to the brain. Tiny blood vessels,...

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I’m Brian Ricci, a workers’ compensation attorney serving Greenville and the rest of North Carolina. Has a knee injury been keeping you out of work and from the activities you love most? Sitting, standing, running, jumping, walking… your knees are involved and can become vulnerable to potential workplace injuries. We often think of knee injuries...

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Workers in Greenville, North Carolina and the surrounding areas in Pitt County who are injured as a result of performing their job duties may be entitled to workers’ compensation. The funds can be used to cover medical and rehabilitation expenses related to a workplace injury as well as compensate for additional damages, such as lost...

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