On Tuesday, President Trump released his Fiscal Year 2018 budget request. The proposed budget includes major cuts to Social Security disability benefits. According to a press release by the National Organization of Social Security Claimants’ Representatives Executive Director, Barbara Silverstone, the cuts include: Reducing SSDI retroactive payments to six months, instead of twelve months, before...

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I’m Brian Ricci, a workers’ compensation attorney serving Greenville and the rest of North Carolina. Has a knee injury been keeping you out of work and from the activities you love most? Sitting, standing, running, jumping, walking… your knees are involved and can become vulnerable to potential workplace injuries. We often think of knee injuries...

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We all understand the benefits of bicycling, right? Riding a bicycle is one of the best ways of saving money on gas, sightseeing, keeping your body in shape, and reducing the carbon footprint that causes environmental pollution. Notwithstanding these benefits, bicycling comes with the risk of potential accidents that in some extreme cases could be...

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I’m Brian Ricci, a workers’ compensation attorney in Greenville, NC focusing on burn injuries. Greenville and Pitt County has its fair share of industrial jobs that involve working with hazardous materials and electricity. North Carolina workers put their bodies and lives at risk every time they’re on the clock working in hazardous conditions. Most employers...

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I’m Brian Ricci, a bicycle accident injury attorney serving Greenville, NC and the surrounding areas. More people are turning to riding a bicycle as a way to get around Greenville and get some exercise along the way. They join the ranks who like to ride for miles around Pitt County, enjoying the scenery while working...

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Workers in Greenville, North Carolina and the surrounding areas in Pitt County who are injured as a result of performing their job duties may be entitled to workers’ compensation. The funds can be used to cover medical and rehabilitation expenses related to a workplace injury as well as compensate for additional damages, such as lost...

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