Injured In A Car Accident? We Can Help!

From a fender-bender to a large multi-vehicle pileup, car accidents are common on the roads of North Carolina. Minor crashes may result in easy-to-fix damage to your car, but a collision often leaves you with significant injuries and a ruined vehicle. When someone else is to blame for these losses, you need help seeking the compensation you need and deserve.

At the Ricci Law Firm, we specialize in providing experienced guidance from a knowledgeable North Carolina car accident lawyer. We understand how to work with insurance companies to reach a fair settlement for you. We are also courtroom-ready from day one if your claim goes to trial. Contact us for a free consultation today.

Navigating the Complexities of Car Accident Claims

We represent clients in claims arising from car accidents caused by negligence, including distracted driving, speeding, and impaired driving. Our team works to secure compensation for injuries, property damage, and emotional distress.

Additionally, we handle insurance negotiations, pursue third-party liability claims for additional compensation, and guide clients through the legal process to ensure they receive the financial support needed for their recovery and future stability.

Car Accidents Are Increasing in North Carolina Every Year

Common Causes of Car Accidents on North Carolina Roads

  • Speeding: A leading factor in both single-vehicle and multi-vehicle accidents
  • Reckless and Aggressive Driving: Including road rage and ignoring traffic laws
  • Distracted Driving: Using cell phones, GPS devices, or interacting with passengers
  • Driving Under the Influence: Impaired by drugs or alcohol, affecting reaction times
  • Weather Conditions: Heavy rain, ice, snow, or flooding creating hazardous conditions
  • Vehicle Defects or Poor Maintenance: Faulty parts or improper repairs leading to accidents

With North Carolina’s growing population and industries, car crashes are becoming more frequent. The DOT reports a 7.5% increase in fatalities and over 276,000 crashes in a year, with speeding involved in 24% of fatal accidents. Factors like reckless driving, distractions, and hazardous conditions contribute significantly to these incidents.

Even a single-car crash may stem from another party’s negligence, such as faulty repairs. Contact the Ricci Law Firm for a free case evaluation to explore your options for compensation.

We Build Your Case for Liability Using Strong Evidence

North Carolina’s at-fault and pure contributory negligence rules make car accident claims challenging. Even 1% fault can bar compensation. The Ricci Law Firm builds strong cases with evidence like photos, reports, and witness statements to prove negligence. We also handle complex cases like dram shop liability to secure fair compensation.

Resourceful Wilson Car Accident Attorneys Who Care About Your Claim

With a population of nearly 50,000, Wilson, NC, offers a wide array of sights and activities. Watch the Wilson Tobs play at Fleming Stadium or take a trip to the Vollis Simpson Whirligig Park. Residents and visitors alike can enjoy the Historic Cherry Hotel and Moses Rountree House or spend a day at Wilson Lake. Many travelers hit the North Carolina Baseball Museum and then try the food at 217 Brew Works. Travel to and from this city is convenient with Interstate 95, U.S. Route 264, Wilson Industrial Airport, Rocky Mount-Wilson Airport (RWI), and Wilson Amtrak Station.

Unfortunately, no matter where they are traveling to, residents and visitors alike are always at risk of being in a car accident. Suppose you or someone you love recently realized this risk the hard way. In that case, it’s time to contact the experienced Wilson car accident attorneys at the Ricci Law Firm.

Causes of Wilson Car Accidents

Numerous factors can contribute to the causes of car accidents in Wilson. Sadly, the majority are attributable to driver negligence. Drivers have a duty to follow the rules of the road and to drive defensively. It’s when they don’t that collisions happen. Causes of accidents linked to driver negligence include:

  • Speeding
  • Failing to yield the right of way
  • Failing to stop at a stoplight or stop sign
  • Texting or otherwise using a smartphone
  • Adjusting controls within the car, such as on the sound system 
  • Other forms of distraction such as talking to passengers or performing personal hygiene tasks
  • Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs
  • Lack of proper vehicle maintenance
  • Following too closely behind another vehicle

Negligent and careless drivers need to be held liable for the injuries and damages they cause. However, to protect their bottom line, their insurance companies will use many tactics to avoid paying claims or paying them to the extent that victims deserve. You can help prevent this from happening to your claim by hiring skilled Wilson car accident lawyers. Your attorneys will investigate and identify the cause of your crash and pinpoint who is liable. They aren’t afraid to stand up to big insurance companies.

It’s not just negligent drivers that cause car accidents. Sometimes, it is the manufacturers of vehicles or their parts. If something is defective, it could cause a serious accident. Our Wilson car accident lawyers will dig deep to determine what caused or contributed to the cause of your accident. If it is a manufacturer, we have the knowledge and resources to help you pursue compensation from them.

In addition, motor vehicle crashes can be caused by faulty or ill-maintained roads, making the municipality responsible for them liable for any injuries that result. Keep in mind that if your claim is against a government entity, different laws might apply. Hiring Wilson car accident attorneys who are well-versed in North Carolina personal injury laws can help increase the chances that you will have a successful claim in these cases.

Do You Have a Valid Car Accident Claim?

Sometimes individuals who are hurt in a car accident are reluctant to seek legal help or pursue compensation. They aren’t sure whether or not their claim is valid. The best thing for them to do is seek the advice of Wilson car accident attorneys. At the Ricci Law Firm, we offer complimentary consultations for those injured in car accidents. We welcome the opportunity to meet with you and discuss your case. After reviewing the facts and your injuries, we can tell you if your claim and valid and what steps to take next. In general, if another party is even partially responsible for your accident and you suffered injuries, you likely have a valid personal injury claim. 

Your attorney will work hard to prove the four elements of negligence in your claim, which include:

  • Duty of Care: The other driver owed you a duty of care- for example, to drive the speed limit or put down their phone while driving.
  • Breach of Duty: The driver violated that duty of care in some way.
  • Injuries: Their breach was the direct cause of your injuries- for instance, they didn’t stop at a stoplight and hit your vehicle. As a result, your car was t-boned, causing you to suffer a broken leg and severe gashes to your head.
  • Damages: Your injuries caused damages such as medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

North Carolina’s Statute of Limitations

Each state is permitted to enact its own laws regarding how long injured individuals have to file a personal injury case. This law is referred to as the statute of limitations. In North Carolina, the deadline is three years from the date of the accident. While this deadline is more generous than other states, it shouldn’t be a reason to delay getting in touch with Wilson car accident lawyers. The sooner you reach out to an experienced car accident attorney in Wilson, the sooner they can get started on your case. They can begin collecting valuable evidence to support your claim right away and help protect you from ruthless insurance companies. 

No matter how long the statute of limitations is, it’s always best to contact Wilson car accident attorneys as soon as possible after an accident. Doing this will provide you with the best outcome possible in your case.

Car Accident FAQs

There are many complexities involved in car accident claims. Navigating the legal process can be overwhelming, especially while recovering from injuries and dealing with the aftermath of a crash.

To help, we’ve compiled answers to some of the most common questions our clients have about car accident cases in North Carolina. Read on to learn more about your rights and potential compensation.

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Injured in a Car Accident? You Can Rely On Our Wilson Car Accident Attorneys

While some car accidents are thankfully just fender-benders, many others lead to severe, even life-altering, or fatal injuries. Unfortunately, insurance companies don’t make the claims process easy after a crash. In fact, sometimes, they can make the process seem insurmountable. As such, car accident victims need robust legal representation.

If you were injured in a crash, our Wilson car accident lawyers are here to protect your legal rights and help you receive the full and fair compensation that you deserve for your injuries. To schedule your no-obligation case review with our seasoned Wilson car accident lawyers, call (252) 777-2222 or use our online contact form today.