Paperwork after being injured can be quite a hassle for someone. Add paperwork for a workers’ comp claims process to that and you’re soon going to be buried in it. You see a stapled piece of paper while in the hospital about a medical release that the insurance carrier asks you to sign. You frankly...

Firm News
February is Black History Month in North Carolina. Not only is this month a time to celebrate the many achievements of African Americans in North Carolina, but it is also a time to address the problems they still face, especially the ongoing risk of injury in the workplace. Increased Risk of Injury According to a...
Our Personal Injury Firm Is Passionate About Serving the Community For the third year in a row, the legal team at the Ricci Law Firm Injury Lawyers, P.A. has participated in the Eastern Run/Walk for Autism to show support for North Carolinians with autism and the people who care for them. Proceeds from the event...
Ricci Law Firm Injury Lawyers, PA has long been known as a Greenville personal injury law firm that genuinely cares about its communities. We are proud to build upon that reputation by teaming up with Eastern NC Cares to raise funds for “Saving Graces 4 Felines”, a great nonprofit organization that helps stray, abandoned, and...
Ricci Law Firm Injury Lawyers P.A. was thrilled to raise awareness and participate in the 9th Annual Autism RunWalk, hosted by the Autism Society of North Carolina. We genuinely enjoy participating in community events because we are advocates at heart, and believe there is great power in working together for those across the spectrum of...
Congratulations to Attorney Brian Ricci of the Ricci Law Firm Injury Lawyers and John Jensen of the Jensen Law Group on winning the largest combined workers’ compensation and 3rd party claim in North Carolina of 2016. This was the seventh largest settlement in the state last year, according to North Carolina Lawyers Weekly’s “Top verdicts...